国际期刊A&HCI、SSCI论文发表工作坊Dr. Ari Ofengenden; Dr. Tzofit Ofengenden 讲座通知

来源:外语学院 发布时间:2017-11-21

讲座嘉宾Dr. Ari Ofengenden; Dr. Tzofit Ofengenden


1123日(周四)下午 400 - 530 Workshop 1

1130日(周四)下午7:30 - 9:00 Workshop 2

讲座地点:外国语学院100会议室(第二文科楼100Workshop 1

                          外国语学院207会议室(第二文科楼207Workshop 2


主持人:程倩 教授


讲座主要内容These workshops will cover the following themes as to how to work with A&HCI/SSCI journals.

1)      General advice such as academic marketing, contemporary research topic in literature and the humanities etc.

2)      Particulars as to how to write to editors; how to submit and format papers etc.

3)      Specific issues in relation to the process of how CLCWEB (Comparative Literature and Culture-web based) works; particularly, what is important for accepting papers for journal editors. .

4)      Research agendas that journals are looking for and the “conversations” between journals and the authors taking place in the U.S. context.

5)      Type of editing and formatting that journals will expect.

6)      How to work with academic marketing tools and notation tools like Zotero.



Dr. Ari Ofengenden,国际期刊Comparative Literature and Culture A&HCI/SSCI)主编,曾在美国Brandeis University任教,兼“希伯来语语言与文学中心”主任(Director of the Hebrew Language and Literature Program),现为暨南大学外国语学院外籍专家。West Lafayette: Purdue University Press Comparative Cultural Studies系列丛书主编。研究方向为:文学与文化等。

Dr. Tzofit Ofengenden,国际期刊Comparative Literature and Culture (A&HCI/SSCI) 编辑。熟悉国际论文写作的规范、格式、以及投稿、出版、发行等具体编辑流程。研究方向为心智哲学等。