
来源:外语学院 发布时间:2016-05-31


讲座嘉宾:恩斯特•范安峰 教授(Ernst van Alphen)

讲座主持:王进 副教授




讲座时间: 6月6日晚7:00-9:00

Title:  Skin, Body, Self: The Question of the Abject in the Work of Francis Bacon
Abstract: I investigate the various ways and senses in which Francis Bacon’s art can be described as abject. On a unstudied level Bacon’s paintings are understood as abject but this needs to be probed further to examine the significance of the boundary between matter and representation, for instance, and of his figures themselves which are fragmented and which demonstrate various positions of subjecthood at risk. Calling on the work of other theorists, including Mikhail Bakhtin and Roland Barthes, I will explore the identity of the Baconian figure and argues for a revived way of thinking about the abject condition of Bacon’s figures. I show how abjection can be used to elicit a host of other Baconian themes about representation, viewing and identity.


Title: The Decline of Narrative and the Rise of the Archive
Abstract:  The explosive dissemination of computer technology has replaced narrative as dominant symbolic form by the archive or database. Narrative and the archive have become competitive symbolic forms and, as I will argue the importance of narrative is diminishing in favor of the database.  Narrative as a key form of cultural expression of the modern age has been replaced by the database. Narrative as well as the database are competing for the same territory in human culture; as symbolic forms, or two existential responses to the world, they each claim an exclusive right to make meaning about the world. The database represents the world as a list or collection of items, whereas narrative creates a cause-and-effect trajectory for representing the world. But in our computer age it is the database that becomes the predominant center of creative processes that are deployed to make sense of human experience and cultural memory . In my talk I will address the decline of narrative as symbolic mode, and the rise of archival organizations, through a reading of works of visual artists like Walid Raad, Santu Mofokeng and Akram Zaatari


恩斯特•范安峰教授(Ernst van Alphen),现任荷兰莱顿大学人文学院文学学科首席教授,博士生导师。哲学博士(乌特勒支大学,1988年)、荷兰皇家科学基金会博士后(阿姆斯特丹自由大学,1990年)。他先后在欧美多个知名大学担任客座教授和访问教授,2004年-2005年期间在美国加州大学伯克利分校担任“毕翠克斯女王”讲席教授。范安峰教授长期从事文学与艺术的跨学科研究,被视为是阿姆斯特丹当代文化分析学派的核心理论家之一,在欧美学界享有较高的学术声誉。迄今为止,他出版专著20余部,主编文集10余部,发表学术论文150多篇,培养博士生40多位。