文学作家Oliver Phommavanh讲座信息

来源:外语学院 发布时间:2014-03-05

文学作家Oliver Phommavanh讲座信息


主 持 人:蒲若茜 教授
Oliver Phommavanh is a young Thai-Australian writer for children. In 2008 Oliver was published in the Growing Up Asian in Australia anthology and has featured on panels at the Sydney Writers' Festival among many other appearances and blogs. He is a primary school teacher who shares his writing passion with kids and engages them with humour. He's also a stand-up comedian and has appeared on national TV and radio as well as a number of well-known comedy venues such as the Comedy Store in Sydney. His first book, Thai-riffic!, was published in June 2010 to critical acclaim, followed by Con-nerd in 2011. (http://www.oliverwriter.com;  http://www.penguin.com.au/contributors/6236/oliver-phommavanh)
Oliver Phommavanh 是位年轻的泰国裔澳大利亚儿童作家。2008年他的事迹刊登在“在澳大利亚成长的亚裔”系列报道中。他经常参与各种写作活动及论坛,包括成为“悉尼作家节”评审小组成员。作为一名小学教师,他得以与孩子们共同分享他的写作经验及乐趣。此外,他还是一位喜剧演员,曾在全国性的电视及广播中与大家见面,并在许多著名的喜剧殿堂包括“悉尼喜剧中心”等地方演出过。他的第一部作品“Thai-riffic”在2010年面世并广受好评,第二部作品Con-nerd 于2011年面世。更多有关Oliver的详情,请浏览以下网页:http://www.oliverwriter.com; http://www.penguin.com.au/contributors/6236/oliver-phommavanh