
来源:外语学院 发布时间:2012-10-23

题   目:缓和性话语的语用功能及其移情制约
讲座人:李海辉 博士
主持人:廖开洪 博士
时  间:2012年10月25日星期四下午3:00-5:00
地  点:暨南大学外国语学院100室



                           Pragmatic Functions of Mitigators and Their Empathic Constraint
Abstract: On the criteria of psychological distance, interest orientation and subjective involvement, four pragmatic functions of mitigators can be identified, i.e., evasion, pacification, solidarity building and persuasion. Their main differences are: evasion merely reflects the speaker’s psychological distance and is egoistic, pacification features unidirectional intersubjective convergence of psychological distance and is altruistic, solidarity building has to do with bidirectional, but implicit, intersubjective convergence and is both altruistic and egoistic, while persuasion is characterized by explicit bidirectional convergence and mirrors altruism-invited egoism. Among these, pacification is the primary function as, by initiating the process of bidirectional convergence, it makes other functions possible. Pacification further plays a unique role in perspective-taking and analogical reasoning, which is evidence that the negotiation of mitigating functions is subject to the constraint of empathy. Keywords: psychological distance; interest orientation; intersubjective convergence; pragmatic function; empathic constraint      欢迎各位师生参加!