
来源:外语学院 发布时间:2012-10-09



题   目: 
讲座人:熊  涛 博士
主持人:韩征瑞  博士  
时   间:2012年10月11日星期四下午 3:00-5:00
地   点:暨南大学外国语学院100室

讲座人简介:熊涛,男,日本九州大学比较社会文化博士(2012),广东外语外贸大学外国语言学和应用语言学硕士(2002),国际期刊Language, Culture and Curriculum审稿人。主要从事基于话语的跨学科研究,涉及应用语言学、外语教学、传播学等领域。成果散见于Discourse & SocietyDiscourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of EducationAsia Pacific Journal of EducationLanguage and Intercultural Communication、《现代外语》、《外国语言文学》等专业学术刊物,多篇被SSCI、A&HCI和CSSCI收录。

市场话语是如何影响高等教育话语的?这在全世界范围内是个重要议题。中国语境下的高等教育市场化值得专门探究,主要原因是其同时受到权力和市场因素的双重制约。本研究选择对学术招聘广告这一当代体裁进行分析。借助Askehave和Swales’s (2001) 的体裁分析模式,对48则刊登在《人民日报》海外版上的招聘广告进行了剖析。目的之一是揭示具有共性的修辞语步和策略,之二是考察其能在何种程度上为理解中国高等教育的市场化进程提供一种不同的视角。 主要结论是:1. “建立资质语步”(establishing-credential move)发挥了重要的推广功能;2. 对高校的专业设置、设备设施、招聘待遇等项目实行惊人的量化;3. 利用打名牌的策略对大学的招聘岗位及其所在的城市进行推广;4.话语混杂。没有个人署名的官样文章在招聘高校和和读者之间塑造了不平等的权势关系,同时,一系列语用策略的使用又对这种不平等的权势关系产生了一定程度的缓解作用。

    Discourse and marketization of higher education in China: The genre of advertisements for academic posts
    The issue of how market ethos has colonized the discourse of higher education around the world has been a topic of growing concern. The Chinese case deserves close scrutiny since marketization of higher education in China is contextualized in a distinct bureaucracy-market duality. In this article, I offer an investigation of a contemporary genre – ads for academic posts – by using Askehave and Swales’s (2001) text-driven re-purposing model of genre analysis. The corpus is composed of 48 ads posted in a leading Chinese-language official newspaper. The aim is to unfold the rhetorical moves and discourse strategies on the one hand, and consider how they might throw light on an alternative way to understand the marketization of higher education in China on the other hand. The main findings are: (1) the establishing-credentials move plays a crucial role in promoting the relevant institutions; (2) a striking rhetorical feature is the predominant use of quantified terms to introduce items such as academic programs and facilities, and incentives; (3) the branding strategy has been frequently adopted to publicize academic posts as well as cities where the institutions are located; and (4) some face redressing strategies are used to lessen the power asymmetry constructed by the authorless bureaucratic discourse.

